The Data Security and Protection Toolkit 2022-23 is available now

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit 2022-23 is available now
Please note: This news article was posted 2 years ago. The content or guidance displayed in this news post may no longer be relevant.

August 23rd 2022

The updated Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) for 2022-23 is available and care providers can start to complete their latest assessment.

Care providers should complete the DSPT at least once a year to ensure it reflects their current data and cyber security arrangements. In fact, we strongly recommend that they keep it regularly updated to take into account any changes to how they manage data throughout the year. The deadline for completing the 2022-23 DSPT is 30 June 2023.

There have been some minor changes to the toolkit since the 2021-22 version.

The Better Security, Better Care programme held a short webinar about the changes on 31 August, 10-10.30am. You can see a recording of the webinar here.

Here is a quick summary of the changes to the DSPT:

  • Care providers need to demonstrate that they comply with the National Data Opt-Out and include a link to their published compliance statement. This is a new requirement since 31 July 2022, and providers will need to do it to reach Standards Met or Standards Exceeded on the DSPT. Access our guidance on the opt-out.
  • Evidence item 4.1.2 has been removed.
  • There have been some minor changes to the wording of some questions.
  • Some question numbers have changed, but text from previous answers will still be saved and copied across to the new question number.

If a care provider has previously published at Approaching Standards, they should continue to work on their action plan to achieve a Standards Met assessment.

If they are already at Standards Met, it is easy to review and republish. Just check previous responses to see if they need to be updated, answer the new question on National Data Opt-Out, reassert all answers and republish. Providers just need to answer the questions marked as ‘mandatory’.

Expert support and guidance from Better Security, Better Care

Better Security, Better Care is the official, free support programme to help care providers to complete the toolkit and keep information safe. The programme provides detailed online guidance, videos, template policies and useful tools, as well as a national helpline and a series of monthly national webinars on completing the toolkit.


Photo by Lukasz Grudzien on Unsplash

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