Terminology Data Catalogue

Terminology Data Catalogue

October 31st 2023

The newly launched Digitising Social Care website hosts lots of important information about digital innovation in adult social care. This includes the adult social care Terminology Data Catalogue which is a set of standards for collecting and using information in social care.

It can help care services to record, share, manage and report high quality and consistent information by using published standards.

This useful table below from the Digitising Social Care website explains how the catalogue can help you:


If you are responsible for...Use the data standards catalogue to...
collating and/or submitting statutory data returnskeep up to date with national reporting requirements and make sure you’re capturing all of the data you need

check you are using standard terminology, so you can report consistently
implementing a new system for digital social care records (DSCR)discuss the data you need to collect with DSCR suppliers in standardised language that you both understand

check that the solution you’re buying meets statutory requirements for data collection

developing new national data standardsaccess the latest social care datasets and data standards

publish new data standards and receive feedback from users
supplying software to the care sectoraccess datasets, data standards and terminology so that you can develop software which meets statutory requirements
enabling health and adult social care systems to interoperatedevelop system integrations using standard datasets, data standards and terminology


For more information and to access the catalogue, visit the Digitising Social Care website.


Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

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