Support to new care services

Support to new care services

September 26th 2024

We’ve developed a free checklist and guide to help new care providers to get their information governance, data protection and cyber security right from the start.

Hundreds of new adult social care services register with the Care Quality Commission each month.

It can be a daunting task, with many issues to consider. Our Better Security, Better Care team has develop a short guide and checklist to help care provider to develop their approach to information governance, data protection and cyber security.

Speaking about the new guide, Daniel O’Shaughnessy, Head of Programme Delivery at Better Security, Better Care, said:

“New care services are in a unique position to get their information governance arrangements right from the start. We know they have a lot to think about – but good data protection isn’t an optional extra. It’s a legal, regulatory and contractual requirement. . Care providers need to prove to the Care Quality Commission, local authority and NHS commissioners, self-funders and potentially the Information Commissioners Office and insurers that they are taking steps to protect the information they hold or have access to. 

“It’s much easier to consider what data will be used and how, before they have clients, staff or even IT systems in place.  But it is a lot to think about – which is why Better Security, Better Care has developed a short guide and practical checklist for new services to use. We’re also providing free advice and support, and launching a campaign to encourage new services to get their data protection arrangements in order from the start.”

Some of the key issues new services need to consider include:

  • What data do they need, how will they store, process, share and dispose of it?
  • Are they training staff on their data protection and cyber security responsibilities?
  • Do their IT suppliers have good cyber security arrangements in place?
  • How would they cope if they lost access to digital care plans or staff rosters? Does their business continuity plan cover that and do they have back-ups?
  • Do they have the required policies in place – and do staff know how to put them into practice?
  • Have they told people how they will use their information?
Find out more

View the New Care Services guide – or go straight to the checklist for new care services.

Contact us for free expert support.

Email [email protected]

Or phone our helpline 0808 196 4848


Further information

Better Security, Better Care is the free, government-funded support programme on data protection and cyber security specifically for care providers in England.

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