Connectivity, Software & Equipment

We know that it can be difficult for care providers to know which digital tools to buy. There are a lot of social care technology options out there and limited advice on how to choose the right solution for your organisation.

We are working with the Digitising Social Care Programme, led by NHS England, to develop guidance on a range of technologies which care providers might be interested in purchasing for their organisation.

The Digitising Social Care website provides guidance and tools to help you to:

  • Get help to set up and use technology: Digitise your care records, set up secure email, improve your internet connection and use mobile devices
  • Choose and manage suppliers: Understand the IT support you need and how to manage your suppliers and contracts
  • Develop digital skills: Develop your team’s digital skills and find relevant training
  • Find funding for digital projects: Find funding opportunities to help you use new technology and digital ways of working
  • Decide what tech is right for you: Use this tool to get started with digital and find the information and guidance that’s right for you

You can also access the Assured Solutions List for digital care records.

Digital Care Hub resources

The following Digital Care Hub resources also support care providers with choosing and using technology:

The Hubble Project: The Hubble Project helps care providers to understand the benefits of technology, how to build a business case for investment, and how to successfully introduce, use and evaluate technology. The Hubble Project tells the story of three care services’ tech journey in their own words.

Exploring the world of assistive technology: Throughout 2021 we hosted a monthly webinar series where we explored the world of Assistive Technology in partnership with Skills for CareSight and Sound Technology and VisionBridge.

The future of technology in social care: In January and March 2023, we ran a series of webinars on the future of technology in social care. This series, co-hosted by the National Care Forum, Skills for Care and Casson Consulting, brought together care providers, academics and software companies to discuss how robotics and AI are used in adult social care settings both now and in the future.

Other useful links

Find a range of software options: See CASPA’s non-exhaustive list of software suppliers in the social care sector (please note that this link opens a Google Doc).

Tech-enabled care: TSA provides information on technology-enabled care, including a list of their members. Visit

Keep in touch

To find out more about digital and data developments, register for the Digital Care Hub newsletter.