Secure email for adult social care

Secure email for adult social care

October 28th 2024

This survey is now closed.
Making sure the personal information of patients, clients and residents is stored, used, and shared securely is at the heart of joined-up, safe, trusted health and care services.
As part of the Better Security, Better Care programme, we are trying to understand care providers’ experiences of using different email solutions and how to make using secure email easier for them. To help us with this, care providers are invited to complete a short, ten-minute survey.

As the survey asks for specific questions regarding email solution decision-making, we recommend that it is completed at an organisation level and by someone with an overview of the organisation’s email solution, and digital and cyber security arrangements.


The results will be stored and processed by Digital Care Hub and The PSC (the delivery partner for this project), in line with GDPR.

Findings will be shared anonymously and as the overall picture of the sector.


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