Medication management factsheet

March 23rd 2021

Medication management factsheet

File size: 212.45 KB | File type: PDF

5 painful realities of medication management

Do these challenges sound familiar?

  • Hours are spent each week updating and auditing MAR charts. Additional time is spent processing and filing medication records and admin, costing serious time and money.
  • Some administered medications go unrecorded on MAR charts or have not been recorded correctly. This is a significant safety risk and a red flag to the CQC, Care Inspectorates and RQIA.
  • An inspection is fast approaching, the inspectors will insist on checking our medication records and logs of handling missed medications. Do we have easy to hand and complete records?
  • Some missed medicines can go unnoticed until we do a full review of the MAR charts. Sometimes carers are unsure of the last time medication was given and how often each medicine can be given. This can compromise safety.

Download the medication management factsheet from Access to learn how to overcome these challenges.

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