DSPT Certificate: How to access and use your certificate

December 14th 2022

DSPT Certificate: How to access and use your certificate

File size: 373.00 KB | File type: PDF

Care providers who reach Standards Met or Standards Exceeded can download a Certificate showing the standard they have reached, the year of their DSPT and the date they published.

The DSPT certificate is a quick and visual way to demonstrate your DSPT compliance. This short guide shows you how to access and use your DSPT certificate.

Key information

The DSPT Certificate is only available to care providers who have reached Standards Met or Standards Exceeded. It is not available to those at Approaching Standards.

The DSPT Certificate is only available for the current DSPT year, and the previous DSPT year. At present, this means that providers who completed the DSPT for 2021/22 can access that certificate. Providers who have completed the DSPT for 2021/22 and 2022/23 can access both years’ certificates.

If you are publishing one DSPT for multiple sites, only the HQ can access and download the certificate. The address of the HQ will be displayed on the certificate, but it is still valid for all sites.

How do I access the certificate?

Log in to the DSPT portal and click on ‘Assessment’ in the top navigation pane.


Click on ‘view previous publications’


Select ‘Download Certificate’

Your certificate will then download as a PDF which you can save to your computer and share with others

I’ve downloaded my certificate – what’s next?

Great news – you’ve got your certificate which demonstrates that you have suitable data protection procedures and policies in place!  Here are some quick suggestions for how you can make the most of it:

  • If publishing for multiple sites, make sure they all have a copy.
  • Print your certificate and display it on your premises.
  • Upload it to your website.
  • Share it with people seeking care.
  • Use it as evidence where relevant for CQC, commissioners, bids etc.

Don’t forget that to keep it valid, you will need to ensure that you are republishing annually.


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