New benchmarking in ASC-WDS to help you with CQC inspections

New benchmarking in ASC-WDS to help you with CQC inspections

January 24th 2024

Skills for Care has expanded the benchmarks feature in the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS), making it more useful for providers using data to inform decision making.  More ‘Pay’ data can help them set pay rates to stay competitive in their local area. Updates to the ‘Recruitment and retention’ tab makes it easier for them to see how they’re doing on staff turnover and vacancies which can help inform recruitment plans.

A bar chart with average registered manager salaries depicted.

The Care Quality Commission’s inspection framework says that care providers should look outside of their own organisation to see how they are performing against others. The ASC-WDS benchmarking feature helps with this. Users can select their comparison group to see how their metrics compare to others with new ranking charts and bar graphs to give further insight. The information can even be downloaded to use as evidence.

Log in or create an account.

A sliding scale which benchmarks where a manager's salary is compared to their peers


Take a virtual tour of the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS)

Thursday 01 February 2024, 15:30-16:30

Join Skills for Care as they draw back the curtain and give a tour of the ASC-WDS service! This session is designed to give social care providers who do not yet have an ASC-WDS account a demonstration of how the service works. It will show you first-hand the features which are already being used by over 20,000 care providers.


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