Projects we’ve funded

Action Research Fund

Better Security, Better Care runs the Action Research Fund which aims to harness sector knowledge and expertise via provision of a research grant fund to explore current issues and identify and test new approaches in cyber and data security within adult social care.

This approach provides an opportunity to pilot a set of new ideas at a smaller scale before expanding reach and impact, and fits well with our “by the sector, for the sector” ethos. The fund awards grants to original and robust pilot or ‘discovery’ research projects that, through scalability, can demonstrate the potential to make a tangible contribution towards improving data and cyber security within the adult social care sector. 

The outcomes from the research projects will contribute to the strategic planning process for the programme, and the wider policy development portfolio. 

Action Research Fund 2024

Better Security, Better Care has awarded research contracts on: the digital footprint of people drawing on care; bring your own device to work policies; and the use of the internet by people with learning disabilities.

This round is focused on the pillars of the Government’s cyber security strategy for health and social care.

The contracts were awarded to the following organisations after a competitive process:

Digital footprints in adult social care

Awarded to: PPL – a social enterprise and management consultancy working in the public sector.

This project aims to understand and enhance the security, connectivity and person-centred control of people’s digital footprints across health, care and community services.  This is a discovery piece – part one of a potentially staged project which would lead to recommendations for improving data governance, security, integration and collaboration for people drawing on adult social care.

Bring your own device (BYOD) policies

Awarded to: The PSC – management consultants specialising in working with the public sector.

This project will explore how many adult social providers follow BYOD polices and/or procedures and what impact or risks this has on their security. The project will develop recommendations around the best ways to improve their cyber security and enable providers to ‘build secure for the future’ – as outlined in the Government’s cyber security strategy.

Internet usage, digital inclusion and people with learning disabilities

Awarded to: Cyber Champions – a not-for-profit organisation promoting awareness of best practices in digital and cyber skills.

This project aims to research the needs and challenges faced by working-age adults with learning difficulties when using the internet and how these can be improved.  This project will develop resources and promote digital inclusion.

The projects were announced in December 2024 and are due to complete by March 2025.

See our press release from 16 December 2024.

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