What are other councils doing?

Below are excerpts from case studies and blog posts from councils in England who are working in partnership with Better Security, Better Care to improve data and cyber security infrastructure across care providers in their area.


How social care partners are working together to improve data & cyber security infrastructure in adult social care

The collaboration between Oxfordshire Association of Care Providers (OACP) and Buckinghamshire Council represents a significant step forward in improving data and cyber security infrastructure within care services. This partnership is part of the Better Security, Better Care programme, which aims to strengthen the protection of sensitive information in the care sector.

“Our partnership with the Oxfordshire Association of Care Providers (OACP) has been invaluable in supporting us to enhance the data and cyber security measures of commissioned providers. Through their support, we have been able to use the DSPT to help providers improve their data and cyber security processes.”

Read Buckinghamshire’s story


What should commissioners know about data protection and cyber security?

Matilda Moss, head of integrated commissioning at Buckinghamshire Council, writes a blog post on the value of supporting care providers to use the Data Security & Protection Toolkit.

“The government’s Cyber Security Strategy to 2030 agrees that we must work together with all parts of the system to foster a strong culture of cyber security as part of our social care responsibility. As commissioners, we share a lot of sensitive information with care providers, and in order to comply with data protection regulations, the services we commission should also comply.”

Read Buckinghamshire Council’s blog


Durham County Council: Supporting care services to manage information safely.

Durham County Council’s Supporting the Provider Market team work closely with local social care services and partner organisations to support providers and help them improve their services. They offer a range of support to care providers and technology and innovation is a key part of that.

the DSPT is important as it gives assurance that providers meet the data and security standards for health and social care organisations, providing the council with confidence in this element of their service delivery.”

Read Durham’s blog


Transforming data security in social care: Wirral council’s journey

Wirral Council were initially one of many councils facing challenges with getting social care providers up to speed on using the Data Security & Protection Toolkit, which helps care providers in England check and improve their data and cyber security arrangements. By August of this year, Wirral council have more than doubled their initial figures, with 78% of care providers having now published an up-to-date DSPT.

“Compliance with the toolkit provides care providers, and the council, with a sense of assurance that their data protection measures are in line with NHS standards, which, in turn, reassures families and service users.”

Read Wirral’s story