Timely Support For Adult Social Care Commissioners Issued By NW ADASS

Timely Support For Adult Social Care Commissioners Issued By NW ADASS

March 22nd 2023

Today, Better Security, Better Care welcomes the news that the North West Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (NW ADASS) has published guidance to support Adult Social Care (ASC) Commissioners in increasing implementation of the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) across the ASC market. This is an important step that will help councils encourage adult social care providers to evaluate and improve their data security by completing their DSPT.

“We are delighted that NW ADASS is providing this support to commissioners,” stated Michelle Corrigan, Programme Director of Better Security, Better Care, “The guide will help councils encourage adult social care providers to evaluate and improve their data security, whether they be digital or paper-based, by completing their DSPT.”

The new guidelines from NW ADASS demonstrate how local authorities can support care providers and show what they need to do to keep people’s paper or digital information safe and protect their business from the risk of a data breach or a cyber-attack. Lia Chelminiak, NW ADASS Programme Manager commented on the new guidelines,

“We recognise that while local authorities are interested in including DSPT compliance in their contracts with adult social care providers, many are unsure how to include it or monitor compliance. In response, we have developed this framework that all authorities can use in new or refreshed contracts. So far, we’ve had positive feedback and a number of authorities have begun implementing our guidance. We hope to encourage more providers to prioritise data security and protection in their processes.”

Better Security, Better Care looks forward to great collaboration with local and national stakeholders to further improve the implementation of the DSPT. The DSPT reassures everyone, including clients and families, that adult social care providers take data security seriously and supports them in running a care service that people can trust.

You can read the newly published guidelines here

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

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