Data Security and Protection eLearning – Staff

This free elearning course is for all staff working in adult social care services in England.

Care providers can use this course to improve and assess their staff’s knowledge of data protection and cyber security – including their individual responsibility to keep information safe. The course meets the training requirements within the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT).

This is the only free elearning resource on this topic specifically designed for social care staff. The scenarios reflect situations that staff face within adult social care settings – including care homes, supported living, home care and community services. It covers all client groups, and all staff with access to personal data. It supports staff’s continuing professional development (CPD).

We also have an elearning course specifically for data security and protection leads. We strongly recommend that leads complete this general course for staff before completing their more advanced course.

View our presentation about the elearning for all staff, read our guides on to use the programme, or get straight to each module in the boxes below.

If you have your own LMS and would like a SCORM compliant version of the programme for non-commercial use, please contact us.

Access the presentation from our webinar about the elearning course held on 12 December 2023.

Download a summary of the key messages in the course.

Access all of the summary videos for each module.


Meet DSPT training requirements

The course has been commissioned by the Better Security, Better Care programme to help care providers to meet the annual training requirements of the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT).

The DSPT requires at least 95% of care staff to have completed data protection training within the last 12 months, and to have achieved at least 80% in an assessment. This elearning course enables care workers to complete that training every year, and to provide their employers with a certificate confirming that they have reached the 80% pass mark.

Using the elearning: care staff

You do not have to register or log in to complete the modules. They vary in length and take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete and you can complete them at any time and in any order. There is only one assessment which covers issues from all modules. If you reach 80% in the assessment you will be able to add your name to a certificate, download it and share it with your manager or training lead. If you don’t reach 80% the first time, you can retake the assessment. You can also check the modules again and then go back and redo the assessment.

Find out more in our short User Guide. Or start a module or complete your assessment below.


If you need technical help on using the elearning resource – including how to access a SCORM compliant version – contact our Helpdesk


This is the first elearning course produced by the Better Security, Better Care programme. We would love to get feedback about the resources: What works well? What could be improved?

If you’ve completed the course yourself, please complete this short survey.

If you’re a manager or trainer who has used the course with your staff, please complete this short survey.