Use the DSPT for the First Time

As a care provider using the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) for the very first time, you need to:

  1. Find your ODS code
  2. Register on the Data Security Protection Toolkit, using your ODS code
  3. Complete the mandatory questions on the Toolkit to get to Approaching Standards
  4. Publish at Approaching Standards and continue on to Standards Met.

How you register and publish will depend on whether you are part of a care group with multiple sites or a single site.

Care groups (or multi-site services)

If you are part of a care group, check if your head office is completing the DSPT on behalf of the services within the group. If yes, then don’t worry – your service will be included within the Toolkit that they are producing and your head office will publish on your behalf. If you work in head office and are completing the toolkit on behalf of your sites, there is guidance below.

Single sites

If you are a single site – or your care group has decided that each service within the group should complete their own DSPT – then you need to register as a single site. If you are a home care agency operating out of one office, you’re considered a single site service.


Watch a recording of our previous webinars on Using the DSPT for the first time, access the slide deck and a comprehensive Q&A.

Book to attend a forthcoming webinar

You can also watch this webinar recording on how to register.

Guidance and support

Get free support to register and complete your DSPT from the Better Security, Better Care programme. Follow the appropriate guidance for your service below.