The Better Security, Better Care programme was established to provide freely-available support to adult social care providers in England to enable them to complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit.
The programme, and the Data Security and Protection Toolkit itself, supports
national and local initiatives on data sharing, digital developments and cyber security.
At a local level, many CCGs, Integrated Care Systems, other NHS organisations and local councils are also supporting adult social care providers with the DSPT, and this will continue.
The Better Security, Better Care Local Support Partners is working with their local partners and networks to ensure that the support they offer fits in the best way locally.
ADASS is supporting with links to local councils. And the Local Government Association is providing guidance and support to commissioners on the DSPT.
At a national level, Digital Care Hub links in with wider government projects.
Governance arrangements
Better Security, Better Care is led by a programme board whose members include: NHS England, the Local Government Association, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, and Digital Care Hub on behalf of care providers.
New projects
We are also running a series of time-limited projects focused on wider issues affecting care providers’ ability to engage with data and cyber security issues.
Get involved
Local, regional or national organisations who would like to link to the Better Security, Better Care programme can contact:
- the national Digital Care Hub
- team
Collaborating on data and cyber security
View a recording and presentation from this webinar which considered how the Better Security, Better Care programme and the Data Security and Protection Toolkit support:
- key national initiatives on data and cyber security (e.g. Joining Up Care, access to GP records, discharge records etc)
- the roles of commissioners, regulators, software suppliers and policymakers, as well as care providers.